Promotional products are a great way to build brand awareness. Surveys have consistently shown that promotional products are one of the most cost-effective marketing tools a company has at their disposal, yet many aren’t taking full advantage of their potential.
One of the many services that we offer to clients here at Wearable Imaging is a complimentary strategy session to ensure successful marketing campaigns and help you stand out from your competition! Here are the 5 key areas that we look at when building that strategy:
Your Overall Objective. The first thing that you want to do is identify your overall objective. Answer the question: what is the goal of this promotional campaign? It may be as simple as building brand awareness with your local community, attracting potential clients to your exhibit at a trade show or even to show your gratitude to your best clients. Having a clear idea of what your ultimate goal is with giving out a promotional product. This will impact the product you choose and how you present it to your intended audience.
Choose A Functional Product. The idea behind using promotional products is to ensure that the recipient remembers you and your company. The best way to do this is to ensure that the product you choose “fits” with what your business does. For example, if you are in a healthcare-related business, you might choose to a first aid kit, branded masks (a hot item right now!), or even a digital thermometer. The point is, while logoed pens are always a good idea, think about what would make you stand out, make the best impression and be functional to your audience.
Quality is Important. People are impressed with high-quality gifts, so make sure that whatever promotional product you choose is well-made. The main reason for this is that the quality of your gift will reflect on your brand and will influence their trust of you and your company. This doesn’t mean you have to choose something expensive, rather that you just need to pay attention to how it looks and feels.
Plan Your Distribution Channel. As you develop your strategy, consider how you will get your promotional product into the hands of your audience. If it is something that you are going to mail, take time to think about the packaging and the costs involved in mailing it out. If it’s meant for a trade show, think about how you can let potential visitors know about your free gift before you get to the show so that you can build some excitement around your product and your booth. With virtual events becoming routine, there are also opportunities to include your product in swag bags that are mailed out to participants. In that case, think about what you can do to make your promotional product stand out from the others.
Personalize Your Product. Your ultimate goal with any marketing strategy is to build your brand and increase sales. Business is based on strong relationships, and promotional products are a great way to strengthen those bonds. If possible, find ways to personalize your promotional product for your clients – either through a personal note that is sent along with the product or even putting their name on the product. This personalization will make your product even more memorable.
There is so much more that goes into building a successful marketing strategy. If you would like to take advantage of a complimentary deep dive session, please reach out! Give me a call at 949.888.7837 or email me at I would love to learn more about your business and how I can help!
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