5 Keys to Growing Your Business in 2021

  • Jan 22, 2021

We can all agree that 2020 proved to be challenging in many respects, and it certainly wasn’t “business as usual.” Now that 2021 has begun, it’s time to decide what goals to focus on in the new year. Here are 5 new year’s resolutions you can make to help your business grow in 2021.

Focus on Your Core Clients. Take the time this month to re-evaluate what kinds of people who make up your client base. Brainstorm how you can meet their needs and help them accomplish their goals.

Build Meaningful Relationships. As business owners, we sometimes get caught up in how to increase sales and forget that the cornerstone to lifelong, loyal clients is about building relationships. You never know how you can make an impact on someone’s life or vice versa, so take the time to get to know your clients, your potential clients and others in your professional circle. For me, many of my most meaningful relationships began on the golf course – you can read more about it in my book, The Golf Course Millionaire How to Turn Relationships into Big Business Through Golf.

Invest in Your Brand. How your company is perceived by others is paramount to your success, so it’s important to invest in developing and promoting your brand. Consider how others perceive your business, how you want to be perceived by them, and whether your marketing efforts consistently reflect your branding. To learn more about how to make your brand stand out, download a complimentary copy of “Become Unforgettable. 5 Ways To Dominate Your Industry And Separate Your Brand From The Pack!”

Use Social Media Wisely. Digital marketing is an extremely useful tool to get your message in front of your audience. In fact, 52% of all online brand discovery happens in public newsfeeds. That means your efforts to build brand visibility and connect with clients still lies heavily on your social media presence. Just keep in mind that to be successful on social media doesn’t mean you have to be on every platform. Focus your efforts where your target audience is most active.

Always Include A Call-To-Action in Your Marketing Efforts. While promoting your business online or elsewhere, make sure you have a specific goal in mind for your target customer. Do you want them to buy your product or service? Download a lead magnet? Call for more information? Whatever it is, make the action item clear. This will give you the greatest chance at turning leads into customers.

Are you ready to grow your business in 2021? Give us a call at 949-888-7837 or email us at sales@wearableimaging.com to schedule your complimentary 30-minute personal strategy session.


Learn How the Game of Golf Can Change Your Life… Even if You’ve Never Picked up a Club! To get a copy, click here!
