We all realize that the key to any business success lies in effectively promoting our products and services to our target audience. When business is booming, we as business owners are more than happy to pour money into marketing.
However, when we experience a rough patch like we are all experiencing through Covid-19, it is common for our first instinct to be to pull back on our marketing efforts because it “costs too much”.
During these tough times, promoting your business becomes even more important. As you move forward with your goals to increase revenue and build your base, one of the most effective ways to do that is through marketing.
The question is, how can you continue to promote your business while at the same time being fiscally responsible with your marketing budget?
Here are 6 inexpensive marketing ideas that you can use to effectively promote your business.
Social Media. When it comes to marketing, social media should play a key role in your overall marketing strategy. It’s free to use, and chances are your target audience is already online looking for the products and services you provide. You don’t need to be on every social media platform to see success – focus on just one or two and provide engaging content. Make sure you provide a balance between posting useful information and promoting your products and services to your audience. I focus on three main platforms which are Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Email Marketing. Communicating on a consistent basis with your clients should always be a top priority. The good news is that email marketing is still a very effective – and low budget – solution to staying in touch. Keys to running a successful email marketing program include
Promotional Products. The power of promotional products cannot be underestimated – and it doesn’t have to be an expensive proposition either. There are many promotional products less the $2 per unit, where you can get a big bang for your buck and they leave a lasting impression on your audience: 84% remember the company and 62% do business with a company that gave them a promotional item.
Discounts and Loyalty Programs. Discounts and loyalty programs are great ways to not only recognize your current clients but also attract new ones. You can reward your current clients with exclusive discounts on products and services, provide a referral incentive or give them other perks to say thank you and build loyalty. You can also use special discounts and promotions as a way to introduce potential new clients to your business, thank them for their first purchase and more. At Wearable Imaging, we will post special offers like free set up charges, or free freight for a limited time frame to create the urgency and entice the client to purchase now.
Networking Events. One of the most important and influential ways to promote your business is still meeting potential clients face to face. Networking events and trade shows provide you with an opportunity to meet a significant number of people in a short amount of time. Be prepared to explain what you do clearly and succinctly, and don’t be afraid to ask for a referral. And remember, networking is about building strong relationships, so make sure that you take the time to learn about those you meet as well. Find areas of commonality like Golf or whatever hobbies you may have in common. You never know who your next client or referral partner will be!
Volunteer. Giving back to your community goes a long way to promoting your business and promoting your value system. Donating your time, products or services in the name of your company promotes goodwill and shows your community that you value those around you. Sponsor an event or donate to a local charity – find something that resonates with you and actively participate. Our partner Charity has been Alzheimer’s’ Orange county for the past ten years now, we love supporting this amazing cause, a percentage of all sales go back to the charity.
To be successful in any business, people need to know about you, your company and your products and services. Even with a small budget, there are ways to effectively promote your business. I’d love to help you do just that. Give us a call at 949-888-7837 or email us at sales@wearableimaging.com and I will be more than happy to set up a complimentary strategy session with you.
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