8 Things You Can Do Right Now to Stay Productive

  • Apr 3, 2020

We have entered a time where there is a new normal.  For many of us, the changes brought by COVID-19 are experienced as disruptive or challenging.  For others of us, we’re looking for ways to grow and create amidst the changes.  And then there are a whole lot of us in the middle just trying to figure it out or keep everything afloat.

Where do you find yourself in all of this?

Many of us find ourselves self-quarantining or obeying shelter in place orders.  Whether we are working from home or looking for more work, the patterns and habits in our lives at least, for the time being, have changed.  And whenever there is a change like that, it can be hard to find our footing to stay productive.

Here are 8 suggestions to stay productive now and in the coming months:

  1. Organize your workspace.  Whether you’ve always worked from home or are have just started, it’s time to make sure that your workspace is set up for success.  Clear out the clutter.  Go through those piles of paper that you’ve been meaning to file for ages.  Establish systems that will help you work more efficiently.  Organization goes beyond just your physical office – it includes your online “office” as well.  Go through your emails and archive or purge what is no longer needed.  Unsubscribe from those services that you no longer use or newsletters you aren’t interested in.  Update your customer database. 
  2. Learn a new skill.  If you are like me, there are so many things that I have wanted to learn how to do but haven’t gotten around to.  Attend a webinar, take an online course, or hone skills on a new software program.  This is an excellent opportunity to improve your skills and expand your expertise.  Look for where you can expand your knowledge and skills.
  3. Connect with clients.  Many of us are experiencing the downside of isolation.  That means that connecting with others is even more important now than ever.  Rather than settling for simple emails and social media messages, this is an excellent time to check in with your clients with more depth than just an email updating them on COVID-19 or the importance of social distancing.  It’s an opportunity to give clients and team alike a call, see how they are doing and ask what you can do to help.  Think about sending them a care package to put a smile on their face (and keep you top of mind).
  4. Contact potential new customers.  Even though many organizations are stuck trying to figure out how to navigate through the pandemic, that doesn’t mean that you have to stop prospecting for new customers.  The key is to be sensitive to what’s going on.  Don’t be pushy.  Rather, offer your assistance to help them through this crisis.
  5. Be active on social media.  Whether you like it or not, your customers are on social media and they are probably checking in more now than ever before.  Social media is a great way to stay in touch with your clients.  You can offer tips, inspiration and a way to connect on a more personal level with you, letting them know we’re in this together.
  6. Plan for the future.  Now is an excellent time to update your 5-year business plan.  If you don’t have a plan, take the time to put your vision down on paper.  Write out your policies and procedures.  Think of ways that you can streamline your business and start putting them into practice.  Most importantly, consider how you will reach clients to serve at an even deeper, more memorable level.
  7. Read a book.  Whether it’s a business-related book or a pleasure book you’ve been meaning to get to, reading a book will help take your mind off your current situation.  In fact, it may just be what you need to get the creative juices flowing and look at things from a different perspective.
  8. Breathe.  Take time to just relax.  Things are stressful right now, and that stress can show up in or bodies and in our mindset.  Listen to calming music or meditations.  Take time with your family.  You are just as important as your business – make sure you take care of yourself.

Now is the time to stay productive and get ready for when the world returns to some semblance of order.  I want to help as you take the time to build a strong foundation for your business.  Give me a call at 949.888.7837 or email me at sales@wearableimaging.com to set up your complimentary strategy session.  Let me share with you some ideas on how to stay productive and connected to your customers.


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  • Category: Business Advice
  • Tags: building relationships, marketing, building your business, business planning, productivity, being productive