8 Ways to Use Promotional Products Effectively and Drive Customers

  • Aug 7, 2020

Most businesses recognize that promotional products are a great giveaway’s to say thank you to customers and promote their business. Yet many aren’t using promotional products strategically, which means they may be missing out on some of the marketing benefits these products can bring. At Wearable Imaging, our goal is to make sure that you not only love the product that you purchase but that you have a plan in place to use them to their full advantage. Here are our 8 top tips for using promotional products effectively:

Choose Wisely Based on Your Audience. When choosing a promotional product, keep your recipients in mind. Put yourself in their shoes, and figure out what they’re interested in, what they would find useful, and how it relates to your business. The goal is to choose a product that reflects your business and will be used by those that receive it to specifically remind them of you.

Have A Clear Message. Very likely, you’ll want to print your logo on the promotional product. But that isn’t necessarily all you can do. If you are using it to promote a specific campaign, think about including a message or tag line relevant to that campaign. Does the message go on the product itself, or is there an accompanying card, brochure, or other printed material? Whatever you decide, the message should be simple and memorable.

Stand Out and Be Memorable. There are hundreds of thousands of promotional products out there – everything from inexpensive pens and notepads to high-end portfolios, watches and more. The trick is to find a product that stands out from the rest – either in design or in the uniqueness of the product itself.

After you have chosen your promotional product(s), it’s time to start putting them to work. They can be used in a variety of settings and for a variety of purposes, including:

Employee Appreciation. Giving your employees branded materials such as pens, mugs or t-shirts will do a couple of things: (1) it will show that you appreciate their efforts, (2) it’s a good way to “test” your promotional products before giving them out to a wider audience, and (3) they are your best marketing team as they wear and use the branded products outside the office.

Client Thank You Gift. We don’t often take the time to thank our clients for their business in a tangible way. Choosing a nice branded and/or personalized gift is a great way to show your best clients that you appreciate your business.

New Client Introduction. A great use of promotional products is as an introduction to new clients. Trade shows and other conferences are perfect environments to find new clients and by giving out promotional items in these settings will reinforce your conversations with them. Another way to use promotional products is to send it to a potential client’s office with a quick note – it will make you stand out from your competition and pique their curiosity about you and your business.

Sponsorships. Sponsoring events is an excellent way to get your name in front of potential clients. Add your promotional products to swag bags with a targeted message. This can be extremely successful even with virtual events where you could send each participant a customize swag box before the event.

Social Media. You can even use your promotional products as part of your social media campaigns. Set up a contest on social media and use them as the prize. It could be as simple as having them post a picture using your product or service or answering questions on your profile.

No matter how you decide to use promotional products in your marketing efforts, make sure that you take time at the end of the campaign to analyze its effectiveness. Did your clients appreciate the gifts? Did you see an increase in sales as a result of the campaign? Did you get the exposure that you anticipated? The big question: Is it worth repeating?

With the right plan and strategy, using promotional products as an integral part of your marketing efforts can be very effective. If you need assistance in choosing the right product or developing an appropriate campaign, Wearable Imaging is here to help. We would love to set up a complimentary strategy session with our president Robin Richter, she is the master at getting your business to stand out!


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