The Hidden Dangers Lurking on Your Phone

  • Jan 25, 2021

Throughout the pandemic, the rule of thumb to slow the spread of COVID-19 has been to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, wear a mask and socially distance. The CDC also instructs us to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. According to their website, that includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, desks, keyboards, sinks, faucets and toilets. There’s one more thing on the list that often gets overlooked, which is probably touched more frequently than any of these other surfaces: YOUR CELL PHONE!

Your cell phone is one of the most bacteria-laden objects that we come in contact with on a daily basis. It outranks some of the most common surfaces that we consider “dirty”. In fact, according to one study, your cell phone has 20 times more bacteria on it than the average toilet seat. Wow that’s gross! Here are some eye-opening statistics:

  • Toilet seat: 1,201 bacteria per square inch
  • Kitchen counter: 1,736 bacteria per square inch
  • Pet food dish: 2,110 bacteria per square inch
  • Checkout screen: 4,500 bacteria per square inch
  • Doorknob: 8,643 bacteria per square inch
  • Cell phone: 25,127 bacteria per square inch

The top reason for this is that we take our cell phones everywhere – including the bathroom. Every time we touch a foreign surface and pick up our phone, we transfer those germs and bacteria onto the phone.

So now that you are aware of the problem, what’s the best way to clean your phone – especially since most cell phones aren’t waterproof? Here are two solutions that we recommend:

UVClean Wand. The UVClean Wand is a portable UV-C light that can be used to not only to sterilize your phone but other surfaces when you are out and about. Like sunlight in your pocket, the built-in Ultraviolet Light uses short-wavelength (UV-C) light to kill or inactivate microorganisms, so you can sterilize on-the-go. It features a 400mAh battery and can be recharged using the included micro-USB cable.


UVClean Qi. The UVClean Qi is made specifically for your phone and also features built-in Ultraviolet Light for sanitizing, and 15W Qi wireless charging technology for a battery boost to your phone while it cleans. Simply place your phone (or other small, high touch items), in the tray, close the lid and plug it in. This items works on all cell phones.


Wearable Imaging is here to offer support with these and a variety of other solutions that will help you, your clients, and your employees stay safe and healthy. Give us a call at 949-888-7837 or email us at to set up a strategy session with our President, Robin Richter to learn how we can help.


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