Promotional products have always been a key way to motivate team, affirm client relationships, and create a sense of connection with team and clients alike.


But with states starting to open back up and businesses ramping up again, promotional products are now hotter than ever.


What's more - many businesses and entrepreneurs who are aware of this unique time in their business cycle are exploring which promotional products to send out to grab ... and keep ... the attention of both team and client.

So let's take a look at which promotional products are hotter than ever.


Face Masks

Face masks continue to provide a unique opportunity to just about every business.  

Not only do they provide the protective wear that many states still require but they are hotly sought after.

Given the ability to order them in a variety of styles, colors and quantities, this personal protective wear not only provides a level of desired safety but also is suitable for logo imprinting - making it perfect for promotional offerings and give-aways.



And with many locations requiring face masks (and many more people wanting the protection they offer even absent a legal mandate), there's no sign face masks are going away soon.


Because of that, businesses have a unique time-limited opportunity to be ahead of the curve in providing a product that is in high demand, deeply coveted and still hard to get while delivering it in a way that allows more people to see your logo.


With so many people wanting ... or needing ... to wear face masks, it is an easy, affordable way to provide safety while becoming more business visible (while staying in a heroic light).

Hand Sanitizer


Hand sanitizer is another highly coveted product.  And that makes it perfect to increase visibility while providing something functional to display your business brand. 



Like face masks, hand sanitizer makes a hot promotional product that allows logo placement while protecting team and clients alike.  Because of that, hand sanitizer is a smart way to stay top of mind.


And with the CDC recommended frequent hand-washing, this product bearing your logo lets your business stay front and center in team and client awareness.


But face masks and hand sanitizer aren't the only hot promotional products that provide safety while making your branding far more visibile.

Social Distancing Floor Signage



As states are allowing business to open back up, social distancing practices are still being mantained.

Instead of marking the requisite 6 feet with tape or a generic sign ...

Why not have visitors be made aware of the safe social distancing requirements with a sign containing your logo?

This protects not only your team and your clients, but also your business.

Because being able to maintain a safe social distance is a requirement in most states for a business to re-open, helping your team and customers stay aware of the distance helps you stay open.

Social Distance floor signage is the perfect way to stay visible while keeping team and customers alike reminded of the distance requirements.


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provision of branded face masks have been a highly prized item among team and workers alike.
